Don't you think that the Youth Olympics Games have ended TOO quickly?
I feel so lucky that i was picked to be one of the blogger to cover the various YOG related events such as the Samsung Human Torch, City Celebrations.. and the Opening Ceremony of YOG!
Attended these fun events with other bloggers, it was hard to pick out just 10 of My Fondest Memories of the YOG 2010!
1. Samsung Human Torch
That evening was my first time meeting all of the other bloggers and Brewerks while we were having our briefing, everyone was shy but we socialized and finally got out of our comfort zone and everyone made friends by the end of the night!

2. The exciting performances at the Samsung Human Torch Event

We were entertained by the DANGEROUS fire breather!
This performance really made my toes curl cos i was so nervous that he would set his face on fire :x

And the dance group was really cool too!
3. The actual... HUMAN TORCH!

2010 youths came together to light up our Human Torch at 20:10pm on the same day the Olympic flame was lit in Greece!
Being part of something so amazing..
I'm sure it was THE best experience for both me and the 2010 youths.
4. VVIP invitation to City Celebrations 2010

Hahahah, call me kuku or whatever you want,
but i've never got a "VVIP" invitation in my entire short life of 20 years! VIP yes.. but never VVIP!
I swore my eyes LIT UP when i saw the VVIP label. heheheh
5. My first time seeing a Kpop band
Hmm, not too bad, Top 10 fondest memory of YOG and i've had my 3 First(s) in my life already! :D
Regrettably, It was only my first time seeing a kpop band concert!
And definitely not the last!I wanna go for more kpop concerts now,
they are just awesome at making the crowd go nuts!
Going crazy with my new blogger friends i made certainly made the night even better.

4Minute & Beast, i want more of yoooooou!
6. Invitation to the YOG Opening Ceremony

Mad excited when i received the adorable Lyo pre-paid Visa card in my mailbox!
obviously i've tossed aside my miserably normal ez-link card and used this as my ez-link when i'm using public transport!
But why is it a pre-paid card! Wished it was a debit card so i don't have to go and top it up!
7.The YOG opening ceremony

It felt like not only did Singapore come and celebrate this historical event together, it's the whole WORLD that came cheer and celebrate the Youth Olympic Games.
8. Fidelis made MORE friends!!!

Not only the atheletes from the 204 participating countries made friends through the games, i did too!
Ok, i could be painfully shy at times and sometimes i need to be DRAGGED out of my comfort zone, Noel's lame jokes all night definitely worked. Haha,
So glad i got to know this fun bunch, Alton, Noel, Ruiting, Ivan, Jeremy.. we even went to hunt for food together after the event!
Oh my, it was SO hard to find places that serves food at 11pm + empty after the audiences of the opening ceremony flood out of The Float.
9. Fireworks @ YOG Opening Ceremony

Fireworks! There were like fireworks every 10-20 mins it's just pure madness.
Ok i know this is so typical but i'm only human!!!
10. The YOG flame is lit!

The way the cauldron was lit, that twirling effect of that fire, really awed me and caught my attention right on.
My friend who was working for YOG told me a truckload of physics info about
how the twirling fire effect was created and i was not proud to say
that i didn't understand a word of what he said!!!
Ok, i will go ask him again and hopefully he can explain it to me in plain english this time.

Thank you Samsung for being such an AWESOME and i must say, GENEROUS sponser throughout the Youth Olympic Events, it was an absolutely great experience i had for the past month!
Hope you all enjoyed the Youth Olympics Games in Singapore too,
so proud of our athletes representing Team Singapore!